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Follow Easy Guides for Your New Sports Nutrition Program

Start Performing at a Higher Level with Your New Program

What This Is Not?

By no means does this program truly replace what a sports nutritionist can do by physically being there to help your athletes. However, hiring a sports nutritionist may not be in your budget so this program is the next best thing.

Anyone on your staff can implement this program. You can even hire a dietetics student that needs experience to implement the program for you at no cost. I’ve seen bits and pieces of SN information out there but the time it takes to research and piece meal a program together would be frustrating.

To have an “All-In-One” program is not only convenient but beneficial to all. “Online, there’s a huge opportunity for scale and to make a bigger impact.” Implementing a sports nutrition program will increase the overall health of athletes which will carry over into optimal performance. Nutrition knowledge can influence dietary choices which can have a significant impact on athletic performance.

Benefits or Improved Performance Indicators can include but not limited to:

  • Training harder/longer
  • Delay onset of fatigue
  • Improves body composition
  • Improves strength
  • Enhance concentration/mental alertness
  • Recovery (prepared for next day)
  • Reduce injury
  • Potential healthy immune system/function
  • Cramps/GI distress.
  • Healthy eating doesn’t discriminate with age, sex, etc.

What the Amy Dirks Sports Nutrition Program is NOT…

*This program is NOT a specific macronutrient counting program. It will not calculate the specific percentages of macronutrients per individual athlete.

Amy… "the reason why I structured the program this way is because I have found in my experience that getting too specific with athletes creates a program that can become too rigid and based on numbers more so than the food itself. It can lack variety and can also be confusing."

*This program is NOT sport specific.

Amy… "this program teaches you the basics of sports nutrition no matter what sport you play. Every athlete has to start with basic sports nutrition knowledge before they can get specific to their sport."

*This program is NOT gender specific.

Amy… "this program is for any male or female athlete wanting to learn more about nutrition and how it can help their performance and recovery. It teaches a solid nutrition foundation."

*This program is NOT just for adult athletes.

Amy… "there are principles taught for all age groups, including youth and adult supplements. Again, this is the basics."

Hi, I’m Amy Dirks

My career began in chiropractic work but shifted into the corporate wellness world for many years as a certified strength and conditioning specialist (CSCS) and certified personal trainer (CPT). I worked as a fitness specialist and health promotions specialist while attaining my dietetics degree through K-State. As a registered dietitian-nutritionist, I have worked in public health, as a clinical dietitian in hospitals, worked with Cliff Illig (Cerner Co-founder and Sporting KC co-owner) and most recently as a concierge wellness team member. Health and well-being is a personalized journey so I worked with individuals on mental health, physical health and exercise, diet, and lifestyle factors to make them the healthiest person they could be. I love helping people feel better and attain their goals! Additionally, my wellness background serves purpose in sports nutrition. I have volunteered as a sports nutritionist and was a college athlete for Div. 1 volleyball so putting it all together for MLS soccer has been the ideal combination.